Tuesday 18 December 2018

We are getting there

Can I now conclude that third trimester is the hardest to go through? 😭

Although I am just around 33 weeks ++? 

I swear I could cry writing this down. I do not want to complain, I really don't. But going through the day nowadays is really tough. It is hard to walk properly, I basically waddle my way everyday at work. I will wake up every 2-3 hours every night to pee, I got UTI, I am on antibiotics for the 4th time during this pregnancy because of my UTI, my face has lost its glow, I feel unattractive all the time, my breast has totally lost its shape, I can only wear 2 types of foot wear. One is my slip on flip flops and the other is my black Skechers (which is highly recommended btw for pregnant moms! super comfortable), I get annoyed easily with my husband for no reason, I sound weird on the phone where people can hear my breathing loudly on the phone which means I tercungap all the damn time. 

I know some might say they are less favorable of their first trimester. But for me, its definitely the third trimester. I almost feel like I am losing myself and becoming another person all together.

But.. come to think of it, I am changing to become another person. I am officially going to be a mother soon in January. Just by thinking about it makes all the pain disappear and I know it will be worth it. 

Baby was 2.1kg during our last visit to the Doctor, which was last week. She is so well behaved. She usually move around a lot around 5.30am - 6.00 am to wake me up for work, dance all the way again at 5.00 pm when I drive home alone in the car. Plus the occasional hiccups and dentam dentum in my tummy, I know she happily growing in there. I love her so much already, I cannot wait to meet her. 

Few more weeks to go!

Thursday 6 December 2018

We are officially 8 months today!

Well, my back pain (especially around my tail bone area) is back. Plus the urge to pee every 3 hours isn't a nice experience either. But all is good. That means I am getting closer and closer to my due date and get to hold my baby in my arms!

I have slowly and steadily prepare for baby's arrival since the past few weeks. and honestly, I am relieved. because I still had the energy to move around, washed, sidai and folded baby's clothes, changed my bed sheet and started packing for baby's hospital bag a little. As compare to what I am feeling now.. I will get super tired easily and if I get tired, my tummy will tighten and gets hard. So, I do not want to risk anything. Even at work now I will tend to do everything carefully and not to stress out myself too much. So, take it slow and for me, there is nothing more ridiculous than "too early" to prepare for baby's arrival and scared something bad might happen if we prepare too early. We know our own body, strength and how we want to manage things. Orang lain, lain cara dan upaya.


Packing for baby was really fun. I took my time happily, choosing which onesies to bring and which one for baby to wear first time ever after she enter this world! #excited I did some research on the net on what to bring and most list are the same so basically I packed for whatever I think that is necessary. I don't really care if I overpacked, because better be extra ready than sorry. (first time Ibu right here haha)

Chose the button front opening for her first outfit set.
Senang pakai, senang buka.
 Got it from Uniqlo's newborn collection! The designs are so minimal and its soft cotton. 
I loved them all!

Packed each outfit set in a zipper lock bag. 
5 sets all together with her go home outfit. 

Swaddles, baby blanket, towel, nursing cover, pampers and baby's toiletries.

Then I stopped organizing/packing because I got tired :P 

I have yet to pack few other things like my breast pump and milk bottles because they need to be sterilize first. So maybe will do all that together when I start packing for MY hospital bag. 

I was advised to bring along breast pump because we never know if baby could get jaundice and will be in the nursery and needs to be bottle fed. So yeah again, biar over prepare than under prepare. (Again, first time mother here hihu)