Although I am just around 33 weeks ++?
I swear I could cry writing this down. I do not want to complain, I really don't. But going through the day nowadays is really tough. It is hard to walk properly, I basically waddle my way everyday at work. I will wake up every 2-3 hours every night to pee, I got UTI, I am on antibiotics for the 4th time during this pregnancy because of my UTI, my face has lost its glow, I feel unattractive all the time, my breast has totally lost its shape, I can only wear 2 types of foot wear. One is my slip on flip flops and the other is my black Skechers (which is highly recommended btw for pregnant moms! super comfortable), I get annoyed easily with my husband for no reason, I sound weird on the phone where people can hear my breathing loudly on the phone which means I tercungap all the damn time.
I know some might say they are less favorable of their first trimester. But for me, its definitely the third trimester. I almost feel like I am losing myself and becoming another person all together.
But.. come to think of it, I am changing to become another person. I am officially going to be a mother soon in January. Just by thinking about it makes all the pain disappear and I know it will be worth it.
Baby was 2.1kg during our last visit to the Doctor, which was last week. She is so well behaved. She usually move around a lot around 5.30am - 6.00 am to wake me up for work, dance all the way again at 5.00 pm when I drive home alone in the car. Plus the occasional hiccups and dentam dentum in my tummy, I know she happily growing in there. I love her so much already, I cannot wait to meet her.
Few more weeks to go!